Category: America no more

These new IRS rules will affect every American:

• Income tax collection could rise as much as $345 billion a year
• Small businesses will be crushed and unemployment will rise
• A cashless economy is further set in motion
• IRS snooping and audits will increase
• Gold can be tracked
• Identity theft is a risk
• Government surveillance will increase


ObamaCare requires that businesses and self-employed individuals submit 1099 forms to the IRS for all business purchases of $600 or more.  The stated purpose for this is to close the ‘tax gap’ which is the difference between the amount of what is “owed” and what is paid, due to lack of reporting and under-reporting, and is estimated at $300 billion dollars a year.  Last week, the Senate failed to repeal the ObamaCare 1099 rule because they could not agree on how to make up the “lost” revenue that would be generated from strict reporting, which they estimated to be $19 billion over 10 years, which is a GROSS underestimate.

Oct 21, 2010

James Cameron is still hiding and refusing to debate Global warming.

But that doesn’t stop him from wanting to tell the rest of us what to do.

And he is not afraid to spend money to tell the rest of us we have to live with less.

Cameron has just given $1m to help defeat California’s Prop23 which will overturn the Global Warming Bill. If Cameron succeeds and Prop 23 is defeated energy bills will go up – prices will increase and yet more jobs will flee the state.

Cameron has already told us that we are “going to have to live with less” but it seems that living for less is just for us and not for him.

Nothing has or will change in James Cameron’s lifestyle.

It’s amazing how he can threaten us with no consequence. Imam: “If we dont do this…anger will EXPLODE in the Muslim world”…

So basically hes telling us we need to build it or Muslim terrorist will attack us… wow! really?

New details on the “mosque at ground zero” Financing:

Michael Savage Takes on a Racist caller…

Michael Savage Takes on a Muslim Supremacist Racist…

Michael Savage Unleashes on a liberal wise guy…

Michael Savage destroys woman caller on worshiping Michael Jackson…